
The West Darfur State Medical association revealed that sporadic tribal clashes between Arabs and non-Arabs continued Sunday in El-Genena, as the death toll climbed to at least forty eight people.

The committee said in a statement that the bloody tribal violence  that took place in the city of El Geneina, the capital of West Darfur State, on Saturday and are still ongoing, have resulted in 48 deaths and 97 injuries, according to preliminary statistics.

According to west Darfur doctors association,   medical staff were working  under extremely complex conditions and a shortage of anesthesia, preparation and nursing staff.

The committee stated that there are many cases that need urgent surgeries pending in Al Hanina Hospital, Al Sultan medical Complex and Al Naseem Clinic due to the shortage of staff.

Meanwhile, Darfur 24 correspondent from El Geneina reported that the shooting continued in El Geneina until Sunday morning.