March 9, 2020 ( Khartoum) The Public Prosecutor has launched an investigation to arrest the perpetrators involved in the assassination attempt on Sudanese  Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk.

The  assassination attempt occurred, while the Prime Minister was going from his home to his workplace in the Council of Ministers.

The Public  prosecutor said  what happened was targeting all the country’s transitional constitutional system, and that it was professionally planned in terms of time and  place.

In a statement extended to Darfur 24 the Attorney General said, the assassination attempt on the Sudanese prime minister is considered a crime against the  state, according to the provisions of Articles 50 and 51 of the Criminal Law of 1991 and the Terrorism act of 2001 and the Arms and Ammunition Law of 1986.  the Attorney General affirmed that the various state agencies will continue to investigate, monitor, and counter any terrorist act with the necessary firmness in accordance with the provisions of the law, as well as to continue with courage and professionalism, investigations into all cases of symbols of the previous regime, especially cases of violence, extrajudicial killing, crimes against humanity, and the practice of killings, imprisonment, and terrorism that used to oppress the  peaceful demonstrators.