September 12, Tabit — Residents of the town of Tabit, North Darfur are struggling to survive. Fatima Ibrahim, who lives in the village of Kadarik, wakes up at sunrise and heads to the farms adjacent to the village to collect the “Tamleka” plant to make food for her children. “Tamleka”Continue Reading

September 8, Port Sudan — The Sudanese Ministry of Health revealed on Saturday that cholera cases in Sudan have risen to 5,081 since the outbreak of the epidemic. 176 people have died. In Forbaranga, West Darfur four cases were confirmed after heavy rains and floods hit the area. Cases alsoContinue Reading

September 5, Kass —  There has been a significant increase in malnutrition cases among children in the last month, Noura Daw, who works at the nutrition center in Kass, South Darfur, told Darfur24. The center allegedly sees 500 malnourished children under the age of five turn up every day.  MalnourishedContinue Reading

September 4, El Fasher — Hospitals and pharmacies in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur State, are facing shortages of life-saving medicine. A medical source in the Saudi hospital — who preferred to remain anonymous — said that patients’ health is deteriorating, particularly those with diabetes. On Tuesday, the acting governorContinue Reading

September 2, Port Sudan — On Sunday the Ministry of Health said the number of cholera cases had risen to 2,583 and the death toll to 98.  Over 230 new cases had been recorded in Gedaref and Kassala in southeastern Sudan. The UN Refugee Agency noted these areas of particular concernContinue Reading

August 29, Dilling — On Thursday, the Sudanese army air dropped eight large containers into Dilling, the secondest largest city in South Kordofan State.  The Rapid Support Forces and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement have been blockading  Dilling from all directions since January, creating a food and medicine crisis in theContinue Reading

August 26, Adre — There are no medical services in a makeshift camp for Sudanese refugees in eastern Chad, health workers and refugees have told Darfur24.  More than 70,000 Sudanese refugees currently reside in the makeshift camp in Adre city for Sudanese refugees, where they are waiting to be relocated.Continue Reading