5 were killed and 21 others injured when gunmen opened fire on citizens during a celebration marking a social event. However, the tragic incident took place  in the city of Mershing, 85 km north of Nyala, the capital of South Darfur State. 

  Media director of  Meshing locality, Hamid Qamar Al-Din, told Darfur 24 that two armed people opened fire on citizens around ten o’clock on Monday evening, while  they were celebrating a wedding . 

“The shooting resulted in  the killing of 5 people on the spot and the injury of 21 others, who were later transferred to Nyala Hospital for treatment.” Added Hamid Qamar Al-Din.

  The gunmen fled after  firing heavily at the revelers, while ,  there is no clear information about the identity of the attackers. However,  the tracing showed that the gunmen boarded a camel after leaving the city.

The Sudan Liberation Movement, condemned this heinous crime against unarmed civilians, and held the state and federal authorities, responsible for the aggression. 

For his part, the movement’s spokesman, Muhammad al-Nayer, denounced what he described as the government’s failure to carry out its duties to protect civilians in its areas of control. He added that   the government is unwilling to curb its militias and prosecute the perpetrators of crimes against unarmed civilians, saying that it is understood, the authority is giving green light to its affiliates to  commit more atrocities.

He said  the repetition of these crimes unquestionably confirms that the remnants of the ousted regime and the military governors are involved in these crimes to protect the killers and criminals.

 The government of Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk should  sack all military governors and prosecute them for the crimes that were being committed under  their supervision Al-Nayer concluded.