September 19, 2020 (Khartoum) A report published by Foreign Policy magazine confirmed that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, along with a number of members of Congress, are intensifying pressures to ensure
that Sudan’s name is removed before next November from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism.

The Sudanese transitional government, according to its Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok, confirmed that it had fulfilled all the obligations required of it to close the file, and pledged to pay about $ 335
million to compensate the victims of the two incidents of the bombings of the United States embassies in Nairobi and Dar Al-Salam in the capitals of Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, and the bombing of the USS
Cole Near the shores of Yemen in the year 2000.

However,  the US administration  accused regime of Omar al-Bashir of being involved in the bombings .

According to Foreign Policy Magazine, there is increasing support within Congress and American decision-making circles to remove Sudan from the American terrorist lists, as a number of American lawmakers
and diplomats are engaged in continuous efforts to convince the opponents of the necessity of closing the file and providing the necessary support for the success of the civil transformation in the