Darfur 24-El-Fasher

An official medical report has confirmed the death by torture of a South Sudanese refugee during his detention by  military intelligence officers  in North Darfur.


The dead man’s  Family lawyer, Muhammad Ibrahim Nkrumah, told Darfur 24 that the medical report was identical to the account of deceased ‘s family, which confirms that refugee Vasco Henri Engenu was tortured inside the military  intelligence buildings of the Sixth Infantry Division in North Darfur


On Sunday, May 2nd, the  Sixth Infantry Division Intelligence had arrested three southern Sudanese refugees from the camp adjacent to the Dakkai neighborhood in the city of El Fasher to investigate the killing of a soldier in the armed forces, who had been found dead..

However, during the investigation, the three detainees were subjected to torture, which led to the death of one of them, inside the millitary  intelligence buildings.