Khartoum, Feb 27(Darfur24)  The families of the detainees who are members of the Committee to Dismantle the June 30 Regime and the Committee for Receipt of Recovered Assets have accused the Public Prosecution Office of fabricating criminal charges against the detainees to conceal the political nature of their detention.



Families of the detainees ,in a statement seen by Darfur24 , expressed their deep concern over their continued detention by the coup authority and its frantic efforts to fabricate criminal charges against them to conceal the political nature of their arrest.



The most prominent detainees are former member of the Sovereign Council Muhammad al-Faki, former Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Khaled Omar, Taha Othman Ishaq, and Wajdi Saleh, the statement indicated that they are languishing in prisons on false charges that violate most of their basic rights.



The statement revealed that neither lawyers nor their families were able to meet with them or even contact them to find out their conditions, the statement accused the Public Prosecution of practicing flagrant political procrastination.



The statement further called on all Sudanese men and women to raise their voices loudly, rejecting the arbitrary arrest, the politicization of justice and the use of its apparatus to serve  agenda of the coup plotters..