El-Fashir, August 24(Darfur24) Two people were killed in armed confrontations between farmers and herders in the village of Jurab Al Rai near the city of Shangil Tobay, 86 km south of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur State .

A local community leader from Shangil Tobay, Ahmed Nour, told Darfur 24 that four farmers, who were returning   from their farms, were ambushed by four herders on Monday afternoon on the road between the villages of Arashu and Shangil Tobaye .

He stated that the farmers resisted the gunmen, which led to the death of one of the farmers and a herder.

Eyewitnesses told Darfur 24 that a group of Shangil Tobai citizens moved with the police forces to the site of the incident to evacuate the body of the farmer, but they were subjected to another armed attack by herders, but no one was injured, while Darfur 24 was not able to contact the herders.