Khartoum, October 6(Darfur24)Today, Thursday, a group of workers in the oil sector announced that protesters had  closed   Umm Adara oil field in West Kordofan state.

According to a statement by the workers’ gathering, a group of citizens stormed the BV2 station in the Umm Adara field and forced the station’s workers to stop work, and the workers were detained inside the company’s residence and the electricity supply was cut off from the field.

The statement indicated that the closure process led to the suspension of the work of the Petro Energy Company’s light crude pipeline, which transports about 6,5 thousand barrels of oil per day, equivalent to 14% of the crude percentage that the old Khartoum Refinery processes daily.

 The statement considered the closure a real threat to the flow of oil and the supply of citizens with fuel, and it may cause severe technical consequences