The Sudanese Communist Party has  rejected the transitional government’s decision to close the bridges in the capital, Khartoum, in anticipation of the consequences of the June 30 “million marches”.

In a statement on Sunday evening, the Communist Party called on security and the police to protect the processions and take the appropriate steps and measures decisively and firmly to deter the
forces of the counter-revolution.

On Sunday, the armed forces closed all bridges leading to Khartoum, prevented citizens from crossing bridges, disrupted traffic exceptions, and vacated the center of the capital.

khartoum State Security Committee, Saturday, revealed that information is available on plans for those who said they were stalked and intruded, planning to cause chaos and vandalism on June 30, which
led them to announce the closure of bridges and crossings in capital Khartoum.

SCP called for the necessity of expanding popular participation in the marches, appointing  civilian governors alongside  forming the Legislative Council as well as  adopting an economic policy that
solves the living hardship, while announcing its rejection of what it called the policy of the world bank and  International Monetary Fund in Sudan.

The Communist Party, which is one of the components of the forces of freedom and change, which represents the political incubator of the government, warned of attempts by the regime’s remnants and
anti-revolutionary forces to move to stop the revolutionary march through what it described as the regime’s remnants of civilians, military, militia, and mercenaries.