August 6, 2021 (Nyala)  The Ministry of Health in South Darfur announced the registration of 7 confirmed cases of measles among children in the southern Jebel Marra areas.

Director of the Department of Expanded Immunization in the state, Abdulaziz Abdul Rahman, said that about a month ago, the ministry received a report through Doctors Without Borders about suspected cases of measles in the areas south of Jebel Marra of Kass locality.

Abdul Aziz stated that the Department of Expanded Immunization in the Ministry trained technical cadres from the region against the background of these cases to carry out the necessary intervention to contain the disease, as soon as the vaccinations arrived from the Federal Ministry of Health in the coming days.

The state’s Ministry of Health is facing difficulties to send  vaccination teams  to areas of epidemic diseases in some areas of Jebel Marra, which are controlled by the Sudan Liberation Movement forces led by Abdel Wahed Mohamed Nour, who refuses to sit with the government to reach a peace agreement, in addition to the difficulty of movement in the fall, and the lack of technical personnel.

Abdulaziz explained that the ministry also sent a team to investigate another report of a suspected case of measles in one of the Raheed al-Bardi locality areas, west of South Darfur State, where samples were taken and sent to the national laboratory in Khartoum, awaiting results of the test.