Zaleingie , March 14(Darfur24) Three people were killed in a camp for the displaced people in the city of Nertiti, Central Darfur State, and a fourth one  was injured as a  well collapsed this Monday morning .

Ihsan Yassin, a displaced woman, told Darfur 24 that the inccident occurred this morning while the displaced people  were digging a well for the purpose of making bricks, as a result of the fragility of the land, the well collapsed on them, leaving three displaced people dead and a fourth one injured, who was subsequently transferred to Nirtiti Hospital for treatment.

In a similar incident, 4 girls from Kalma camp for the displaced, east of the city of Nyala, capital of South Darfur, were killed last February due to the collapse of an earth cliff on them, while they were working in the brick industry.

The displaced people are forced to work in the brick industry to improve their living conditions, due to the high cost of living and the reduction of food rations by humanitarian organizations.