Addis Ababa, July 10)Darfur24)The Coordination-body of Sudanese Civil and Democratic Forces(Taqaddum) announced, on Tuesday, that it would boycott the Addis Ababa meeting that will be organized by the high-level African mechanism.

It’s worth noting that the Addis Ababa consultative meeting which will kick off on Wednesday, is set to bring together Sudanese political forces.

The Sudanese dialogue activities are expected to begin tomorrow, Wednesday, in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, which is organized by the African Union over a period of 5 days with the participation of Sudanese political forces.

Taqadum confirmed that “the information she obtained very late confirmed the validity of her fears about the lack of transparency regarding the design of the meeting, as it became clear beyond any doubt that the meeting was controlled by elements of the former regime, its fronts, and the forces of war, and that it marginalizes and excludes the forces of peace and civil democratic transformation.” Its role will be weakened, which will certainly only lead to granting legitimacy to the war and its forces, instead of leading to peace in Sudan.”

“Taqaddum” said in a statement that it “received, on the 10th of last June, an invitation from Mohammed Ibn Chambas, head of the high-level African mechanism concerned with Sudan, to meet for the first phase of the political dialogue organized by the mechanism in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, during the period from 10 to 15 July of this month.” .

He added, “Taqaddam subjected the call to study within its agencies and dealt with it with the utmost seriousness and responsibility, as the issue of stopping the war and achieving sustainable peace in Sudan is our first priority and our primary concern. Therefore, our approach is based on making the utmost effort to make any initiative that leads to stopping the fighting in our country a success.”

He pointed out that the invitation received by Taqaddam lacked details about the parties and the methodology used in designing the process, which made it rush to hold a meeting with the mechanism and did not seek the required details after the mechanism reserved its reservations about notifying the parties participating in the meeting and refused to consult about it.

The statement explained that “Taqaddam continued its positive engagement with the mechanism through a series of ground meetings to obtain the necessary information and discuss the best way, and after that we concluded by emphasizing the importance of the role of the African Union in the efforts to bring peace to Sudan, and its firm commitment to working with it in a positive way to make this success and strengthen it.” Efforts.”

Taqadum stressed that the political process must be owned by the Sudanese and led by them, and that its launch must be the result of real consultations with the Sudanese parties and express their consensus on the parties’ issues, agenda, stages, timings, and the role of regional and international facilitators.

He added, “The high-level African mechanism indicated in its speech dated June 10 that it had consulted with both sides of the war. While the meeting is dedicated to civilian forces, it is unacceptable that civilians who have the inherent right to do so are not consulted in advance before submitting invitations.” .