Khartoum, March 10( Darfur 24)The international organization for Migration IOM revealed Sunday that 5000 households fled their villages and arrived in Golo area of Central Darfur state fearing out break of tribal conflict.. According to s report released by IOM a round five thousand households were displaced at theContinue Reading

  Khartoum, February 13(Darfur24)The Food and Agriculture Organization FAO revealed on Monday  rise in sorghum  prices during the month of January in some markets in Sudan. According to a statement of the Office of Humanitarian Affairs,OCHA, the prices of   sorghum  , locally planted  this  season, in January 2023, began risingContinue Reading

Burhan-Hemeti feud plays out in CAR to Washington’s dismay The border region straddling Sudan, the Central African Republic and Chad has been the focus of intense manoeuvring in recent weeks. At stake is the control of the Vakaga gold mines and the expansion of the Wagner group, against a backdropContinue Reading

Kadugli, January 23(Darfur 24) Four people were killed, one of whom was a US citizen, and others were injured in the city of Kadugli, the capital of South Kordofan state, as a result of being shot by unknown persons. South Kordofan Police Director Major General Qamar Ahmed Mohamed, told ofContinue Reading

  Khartoum, May30 (Darfur24) The UN hummantrian Coordinator in Sudan Khaliata Lo Ndrage has announced a grand of US $ 20million from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) for Sudan.. “This grand Will allow the procurement and distribution of seeds, provide critical nutrition and WASH services and support cropContinue Reading