September 5, 2020 -Sudanese Council of Ministers announced that the Declaration of Principles agreement signed by Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdok with the leader of the popular movement Abdulaziz
Al-Hilu would become binding after  approved by the relevant institutions of both sides.

The joint agreement provides that the Sudanese constitution will be based on the principle of separating religion from the state. Further, it added that In the absence of this principle, the right to
self-determination must be “respected”.

The two parties agreed to hold informal negotiations to discuss the secular state and the right to self-determination to reach a common understanding that facilitates the formal negotiation teams.

“Hamdok engaged in continuous meetings with the head of the popular movement, Abdulaziz Al-Hilu, throughout Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, with the aim of pushing the peace process by returning again
to the dialogue table and resuming negotiations on various issues” the cabinet said in a statement .

The statement  explained that the two sides struck a preliminary agreement, which specified the main issues that should be placed on the negotiating table, and they also agreed that this agreement would
pass through the relevant channels and agencies on both sides for endorsement.

Under this accord, the two parties will maintain a cessation of hostilities throughout the peace process until security arrangements are agreed upon.

The agreement stipulated recognition of the principle of the appropriate and equitable sharing of wealth and power between the various peoples of Sudan through the constitution.