Khartoum, September 28(Darfur24) The Secretary-General of the National Umma Party, Al-Wathiq Al-Barir, revealed to Darfur 24 that the party’s leader, Barma Nasser, has submitted invitations to the heads of political parties to hold an important meeting next Thursday at the house of the late Imam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi to discuss the latest political developments in the country.

The dispute aggravated again between the Alliance of Forces for Freedom and Change  the( Central Council  )and the Communist Party, which had earlier  splintered from it.

The Communist Party said in a statement – seen by Darfur 24 – that the soft landing project led by the foreign-backed Freedom and Change Alliance caused the loss of the revolution’s gains.

While the political secretary of  the Sudanese Congress  party ,Sharif Mohamed Othman accused the Communist Party of providing a political cover for the coup authority