Khartoum, October 22(Darfur24)The Director-General of the Ministry of Health in Blue Nile State, Fateh al-Rahman Bakhit, said that his authorities are unable to count the numbers of victims and wounded due to the bad security situation, which he described as “very bad” and ambiguous, calling on the government in Khartoum to intervene urgently and seriously to calm the situation.


Bakhit said in an interview with Darfur 24 today, Saturday, that the incidents included 7 areas, and on Friday evening, 36 wounded people arrived from the village, 4 of whom were seriously burned.


Bakhit said in an interview with Darfur 24 today, Saturday, that the incidents included 7 areas, as on Friday evening 36 wounded people arrived from the village 4, including 19 with serious burns.

Bakhit clarified that the death toll until the hour Darfur 24 contacted him this afternoon reached about 170 dead, indicating that this number is in one area, and it was not possible to reach the rest of the areas, according to Bakhit, due to the deteriorating security situation.


He revealed that the Ministry of Health’s attempts to reach some areas failed, as the citizens closed the roads.