Khartoum , December 5(Darfur 24)

On Tuesday, limited number of protesters took to the streets in the Sudanese capital Khartoum calling for end of the eight months war between the Sudanese army and the rapid support Forces (RSF).

The furious protesters chanted slogans demanding trial of National Congress Party figures, end of the war, and the return of civilian rule.

These popular demands to stop the war come at a time when the Saudi-American mediated talks indefinitely suspended after they failed to make progress.

However, observers expect that the coming days will witness an escalation in combat operations in Khartoum after the two sides of the fighting mobilized for confrontations after the failure of the negotiations.

The Darfur 24 camera monitored demonstrators affiliated with the Popular Forces Against the War, the National Administrations Association, and the Women’s Association, carrying banners denouncing the military aircraft’s targeting of civilians, and demanding the return of the police, the provision of services, the entry of humanitarian aid, and end of chaos.