Khartoum, June 12(Darfur24) Today, Sunday, the second session of the
trial of the suspects  accused of killing the Police Brigadier General
Ali Braima Hammad was held at the Judicial Sciences Institute in

The defense team of the first accused, Muhammad Adam Tupac, submitted
a request for a visit to see the conditions and inhumane treatment he
suffers from inside his cell  in Kober Prison, and the court expressed
its approval to inspect his conditions in prison and visit him on

In addition to another request to release the handcuffs and iron
chains from the three accused for violating human dignity and
international and constitutional norms. For its part, the indictment
submitted a request to the court to hear the detective and proceed
with the procedures.

The defense team of the fourth accused, Musab Al-Sharif, confronted
him with an objection.

His lawyer said that the reason for his objection was that before
hearing the investigator, the investigation report must be reviewed so
that the defense team could not discuss the investigation.

In its first session, the court accepted a request by the defense team
to review the investigation report, and postponed the implementation
of the request until the appeal decision was issued.

The court set June 26 as the date for the next session