Khartoum, December 20(Darfur24) The Sudanese Central Committee of Doctors said 155 protesters were injured as demonstrators took to the streets  on Monday in the capital khartoum commemorating the fourth anniversary of December 19 revolution .


 Yesterday, processions took place in the capital Khartoum and a number of Sudanese cities , called for by the resistance committees on the third anniversary of t December revolution ,rejecting the military coup and the framework agreement between the military component and some political forces,  calling for the restoration of rule to civilians.


 The committee’s field report – which was issued on Monday – stated that the security forces used live bullets, directing tear gas canisters directly at the head, targeting the eyes of the demonstrators, in addition to using sound bombs to disperse the processions.


The doctors’ committee said that there were two injuries with live bullets, which required surgical intervention, and one with a rubber bullet, and “6” injuries from a projectile fired from the launcher weapon in separate places in the body, and “6” injuries to the eye with tear gas canisters, and “16” injuries to the head.


The report stated that the security forces used tear gas extensively, causing suffocation and obscuring vision, even making it difficult to avoid stun grenades that are fired while obscuring vision